Chawan "Ki-Iraho"

7,2 x 13,6 cm

(Japan, Datum und Töpfer unbekannt)

Zu dieser Technik habe ich relativ wenig finden können.
Bei The Kura gibt es folgenden Hinweis:
"Iraho are a chawan style brought by Korean potters to Japan during Hideyoshi Toyotomis forays into Korea in the Momoyama period."

And from Robert Yellin, "Japanese Pottery" under the name
Irabo Ware:
A stoneware of Korean origin that was introduced to Japan sometime in the 16th and 17th centuries, and was admired largely for its use in the tea ceremony. The name Irabo was derived from the Japanese "ira-ira," meaning annoyed or irritable. This referred to the rough surface texture of Irabo tea bowls, itself a reflection of the clay, sand mix, and thin glazing typical of the style.
(Click link for a photo or search on the net for more photos under the name "irabo" or "ki-irabo").

Unabhängig davon ist dies jedenfalls ein feines Stück. Nicht antik, insbesondere an der Fußform erkennbar, aber wirklich schön. Ich bin sehr dankbar, daß ich es von
"Miyabi Schönes aus Japan" erwerben konnte!

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